Tuesday, January 25, 2011

21 Days to get Organized Challenge...

Day 4: Under the bathroom sink (guest)

Our guest bathroom sink was not that bad, just needed some organizing. I purchased a bucket from Big Lots, $2.5, to store cleaners & extra shampoo etc...Also, I lined the drawers & bottom of cabinet with a white liner from Big Lots, $2. 




Tuesday, January 18, 2011

21 Days to get Organized Challenge...

Day 3: Linen Closet

Oh boy! My linen closet was EMBARRASSING! This is usually where all the blankets and "extra stuff" gets thrown - away forever & forever, never to be seen again! I feel GREAT about my closet now! I purchased a decorative box at Target for around $6 (Keeps all the sheets).



21 Days to get Organized Challenge...

Day 2: Under the Kitchen Sink

Under my sink was already pretty organized, I just spruced it up a bit   :)
I purchased the glass jar from Target, $5; teal storage box Target, $2.5



Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Smokey Eye" Photoshoot

The photoshoot I had last week ended up being cancelled. So I ended up not getting to do a smokey eye, but I had practiced one on myself, so I'll share that look with you. 

1. Apply black eye shadow all over the eye lid & into the crease  (I used MAC, matte).
2. Apply black eye shadow under eye.
3. Very slowing & precisely bring the line from the crease towards the nose. The line should look very prominent. 
4. Blend eye shadow & edges to soften look.
5. Apply a black eyeliner on upper eyelashes and water line. If you want to make the eye POP even more, apply liner under the lower lash line as well. 
6. Apply false eyelashes, if desired.
7. Curl lashes, apply mascara.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

21 Days to get Organized Challenge...

I found this blogger's site, and decided to take this challenge! I hate to post things not related to makeup, but this could be helpful to anyone! I am going to add a step towards the end on how to organize your makeup...so stay tuned! OH, and I may not go in order how this blog is taking the challenge, but I will post all days!

Day 1: Junk Drawer

I have ALWAYS hated my junk drawer in the kitchen ~ so I was excited about this challenge! I found the organizer at Target for around $9 (my drawer is very slim, so I had a hard time finding one to fit).



Feel free to post your photos on my blog!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to work...

     This spring I will start working with Faccia Bella (April Mary, Makeup Artist) again doing weddings! Im excited & nervous. My daughter is 7 months old, and I haven't gone back to work yet, so this should be interesting. Wedding are usually on Saturdays, so I can survive  :D
     This coming Sunday I have a photoshoot I'm doing (given to me by April) with a client who wants a smokey eye look. Smokey eyes are fairly easy, yet difficult because you can do so much with that look. It can be super dramatic, less dramatic; you can use only greys & blacks, or you can add color; you can even do color just around the eye line or, more commonly, do color in the eye crease and so on. BUT my advise is to always have the most simplest way down, then if the client wants more, you can always add to what you've done. I'll post my work after the shoot on Sunday.

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