Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday's Trash to Treasure: [easy] Quilt

Quilt Tutorial
Reuse: Fabric Scraps

*Sewing Machine
*Sewing items (pins, scissors, etc)
*Quilters Batting
*Patience :)

Gather & cut your fabric for the front side, I cut mine in 5" squares.

Layout the pieces to how you want them to lay. Sew them together, starting with each row. I used roughly 1/4" seam allowance. Press the seams flat.

Once you have your rows sewn, sew those together to make one large square. One very HELPFUL TIP, start in the center and measure the two vertical seams together, then pin. Pin out the rest of that row the same. If the top seams don't match up, you'll see that in your finished product :(  Press the seams flat.

Now you will need to make a border, I found a tutorial on how to make mine here. My border is 4" wide.

Once your borders are sewn on, press the seams flat. You will now measure & cut out the batting and back pieces. 
This next step I completely forgot to do, but you should do it :) Now you need to baste your quilt. Find the tutorial here.

You can machine quilt your quilt now, or if you'd like, after the binding. I did my binding first, here's how it turned out.

NOW it's time do make this blanket look like a quilt! I did a simple "x" pattern on just the middle section. 

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