Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let the planting begin!

My parents have a good sized garden at their home, and I've always wanted to attempt to grow one as well (a small garden). I've been especially motivated ever since we started using e-mealz, because I know which vegetables/fruits we use the most and I KNOW I could save money by growing a select few veggies on my own!

So lets start with tomatoes!
I've seen those tomato plants that you grow upside down, and have always thought they LOOK pretty cool! I figure, how could I go wrong when they give you everything you need in this box and all you do is water? (we'll see). I found these on sale at Lowe's for only $2.50! I grabbed two - I figure if I kill the first, I'll learn from my mistakes and grow the second  :)

First, you put the soil block in a container & pour 8cups of water into it.

 Let the soil sit in the water & use a spoon/shovel to help break up the soil until tender.
It should look like this when complete.

Transfer soil to pot (provided), and fill to top.

Put lid on pot, then flip upside down.

Count out 9 seeds to place in pot.
Place 3 seeds in each hole, then bury them about 1/4" under.

That's it! All I have to do now is water water water until they're 5" tall, then I get to turn them upside down & watch them grow!

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